After-School & Holiday Clubs

School Workshops 

Supporting your child's learning, every step of the way

At Believe and Achieve Tuition Services we understand that out of hours education is a growing area in today’s modern world and that is why we offer After-School & Holiday Clubs. From support for students with special needs or learning difficulties to students who require addition 1 to 1 support for their studies outside of regular schooling hours, you can be sure that with our After-School & Holiday Clubs, the students we take on will get additional support onsite and tailored to each individual school as part of our clubs, which are staffed & managed by our experienced team! We work closely with each school and the parents of the children attending to ensure that each student present is getting the most out of our services. By fully utilising our After-School & Holiday Clubs, we help prepare children for the future outside of regular schooling hours by teaching them a range of skills & subjects in a fun style!

School Holiday Clubs

Our daily after-school clubs extend the school day, providing content which both educates and entertains children whilst their parents are at work. Our after-school clubs are for children aged 5-12 years and last between one and two hours to suit each school.

Engaging clubs centred around three elements:

We bring to life traditional craft activities which parents and grandparents would have done as children, such as making peg dolls, French knitting or creating pom-pom animals. Each activity has a different level of complexity and so can be tailored to a variety of age groups. Through each activity, pupils learn about the history and cultural heritage behind the crafts and some, hopefully, are inspired to start a new hobby.

A variety of physical theatre styles are introduced to children as they are encouraged to improvise, project their voices and work on the best ways to portray different characters. Games and activities are used to stretch imaginations, inspire creativity, increase confidence and promote teamwork, all whilst having lots of fun.

Children use their imaginations and problem-solving skills to discover the best structure for a marble run, whether a bridge made from pasta or paper is the strongest and how a paper aeroplane can be adapted to fly in the furthest straightest line possible. Using everyday objects to build and have fun, we talk to pupils about the maths and science behind their creations and encourage our little engineers of the future.

Holiday Clubs

To keep little minds busy during the school holidays, we provide holiday clubs which are both fun and educational. Our half-day, full-day or week-long holiday clubs are for children 5 to 12 years of age, who will enjoy a wide variety of activities, including crafts, drama, junk-box modelling and construction, plus a range of physical activities to keep everyone energised throughout the day.

Holiday clubs which entertain:

  • Based on school premises.
  • Everything designed to fit around the needs of the school.
  • Club leaders experienced working with children
  • Registers provided, no administration required.
  • Parents pay for the club, no cost to the school.
  • Rooms are left as we find them, no tidying up to do.
  • Room hire paid and risk assessment/insurance supplied.
  • Identification and enhanced DBS for all club leaders.