Supporting your child's learning, every step of the way
We understand that not every student will be able to keep pace with the learning environment in schools, and that is why we offer group workshops near you. From support for students with special needs or learning difficulties to students who require addition support for their studies, you can be sure that with our workshops, the students we take on will get the support they need! We offer our workshops in a school setting, designed to bring topics to life and promote different learning styles through discussions, crafts & activities. By utilising our workshops, we can help you give every child the chance to succeed in their academic career.
Inspiring sessions ready to be delivered to pupils in Key Stages 1 and 2.
Our workshops bring topics to life through discussions, crafts and fun activities. We can take the pressure off schools and teachers by providing additional resources and pre-prepared content, perfect for marking national events such as Children’s Art Week, British Science Week and Engineers’ Week.
According to research by Dr Carol Dweck, a prominent psychologist at Stanford University, our mindset determines our behaviour, performance and capacity to achieve to the best of our ability.
It has been suggested that pupils with a growth mindset, whereby they believe their ability can change and grow, will outperform students with a fixed mindset who believe their ability is set in stone.
Our growth mindset seminars are for teachers who want to instil a growth mindset in the classroom:
Pupils struggle to revise for exams often because of a lack of skill, rather than a lack of will.
Our revision workshops are aimed at secondary school students, from year 9 through to year thirteen.
Setting up students for success:
Students are frequently told by teachers, tutors and their parents to revise, but sometimes they simply don’t know how to revise effectively.
Our revision seminars are aimed at secondary school and sixth form teachers who want to raise overall attainment levels by embedding revision skills into their individual schemes of work.
Giving teachers a toolkit of methods: